Memorial Day 2023: Honor the fallen through movies, videos of war stories

Today, May 29, is Memorial Day 2023. I’m reprising my annual blog entry for Memorial Day and recommend that you watch any film that highlights the sacrifices of the armed forces of the United States. In short, today is our national holiday to honor those who lost their lives in service to our country.

The sacrifice of the fallen is a debt that must be remembered, but can never repaid.

I have to say that for 2023, I’m going to recommend most highly the award-winning HBO series “Band of Brothers.” While not a film, the series is almost a series of films and they do a magnificent job of showing soldiers in training; soldiers at war; and soldiers just themselves. It is a story in many parts worth watching many times over and not just for the work of the directors or the how the filmmakers managed such verisimilitude in the combat sequences.

I haven’t reviewed “Band of Brothers,” but here’s what I wrote in a brief description about war movies involving D-Day:

“… the HBO series “Band of Brothers” is at the top of the D-Day class with “Saving Private Ryan.” Its storytelling, characterizations and acting are all top notch, as is its battle sequences (which are similar to “Saving Private Ryan’s” since “Band” is an outgrowth of it). The ensemble cast is outstanding and brings the viewer into their world at war that begins in boot camp and culminates in the first weeks of post-WWII occupied Germany. The army boys in this one hit the beaches at Normandy and find themselves in the Battle of the Bulge …”

So, the story of soldiers from which you can hopefully gain understanding of the sacrifice of the fallen.

I will be reviewing “Band of Brothers” in the future, so, check out the list of films below. I’ve included links to my reviews of a few war “comedies,” but the comedy aspect is not meant to show any disrespect to how solemn of a holiday today represents.

Overview of D-Day films | ‘Battle of the Bulge’ | ‘The Big Red One’
‘A Bridge Too Far’ | ‘Beachhead’ | ‘The Caine Mutiny’
‘Down Periscope’ | ‘The Eagle Has Landed’‘Father Goose’
‘The Final Countdown’ | ‘Full Metal Jacket’ | ‘The Great Escape’
 ‘The Hunt for Red October’ | ‘Kelly’s Heroes’ | ‘Midway’
‘Operation Petticoat’ | ‘Tora! Tora! Tora!’ | ‘Under Siege’
‘Where Eagles Dare’


Click here to see a list of all the movies I’ve reviewed
Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date


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(CLICK here … for all my reviews of ‘007’ movies)
(CLICK here … for all my reviews of sports movies)
(CLICK here … for all my reviews of war movies)

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