Boo! Halloween season 2023: ‘Zombieland’ is best-ever zombie flick; ‘Double Tap’ sequel good, too

Boo! We’re in the countdown to Halloween 2023! Today on Oct. 28, I’m continuing my zombie-trek with “Zombieland” and “Zombieland: Double Tap.” I noted yesterday that “Shaun of the Dead” took over as best-ever in the zombie genre in 2004, but it was superseded five years later by “Zombieland.”

Zombieland” is hands-down, unquestionably the best zombie flick ever to be presented to the public (sorry to zombie specialist George A. Romero for “Night of the Living Dead” and the original “Dawn of the Dead”). “Zombieland” is creative with its “zombie kills of the week” as well as the “rules” of zombieland and it is all brought together in a most wonderful flick.

Zombieland” was followed by the sequel “Zombieland: Double Tap” and, while the sequel isn’t as good as the original, it’s pretty solid on its own.

Zombieland” is the story of a geek who becomes a zombie killer with his “rules.” The geek meets up with an over-the-top zombie killer who uses anything from a banjo to an aluminum softball bat to kill zombies.

Best, “Zombieland” has the best cameo of any motion picture in recent history: Bill Murray at his California home dressed up as a zombie.

The sequel called “Zombieland: Double Tap” extends the original story and introduces a new character or two and winds up passing through to see Elvis’ home. Overall, it’s not as creative, but extends the franchise of “Zombieland” in a way that’s not an embarrassment to the original.

You won’t have any trouble finding “Zombieland” or “Zombieland: Double Tap.” So, check out your streaming services … to get a scare and enjoy two great horror flicks. I guarantee you will enjoy them!

(CLICK here … to read my review of “Zombieland”)
(CLICK here … to read my review of “Zombieland: Double Tap”)
(CLICK here … to see all our photos from Halloween Horror Nights)
(CLICK here … for all my reviews of horror movies)

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