Boo! Halloween season 2023: ‘Omen(s)’ go from horror classic to OK to stinky

Boo! We’re in the countdown to Halloween 2023! Today on Oct. 22, the big scare recommendation will take time because it is trilogy starting with “The Omen” and that’s followed by “Damien: Omen II” and “The Final Conflict: Omen III.” Why couldn’t they have just called each sequel a number?

In any case, “The Omen” is a horror classic with the anti-Christ being delivered to a U.S. diplomat and his unsuspecting wife. In “Damien,” you get the AC at a military school (what, was he bad or something? 😊) and then in “Final Conflict” you get the little monster all grown up.

As you might expect, the sequels never equal the original, which is a classic, so, let’s get right to it …

  • The Omen” is simply a scary flick from pretty much the beginning to the end. Director Richard Donner never lets up on either keeping you in suspense (you know something’s gonna happen) or letting the horror roll over you.

In “The Omen,” you get an unusual baby planted on an influential U.S. diplomat played by screen legend Gregory Peck. You know the kid’s trouble when the nanny hangs herself during one of his birthday parties; people keep dying; and a photojournalist gets beheaded with a piece of plate glass.

Whew! No wonder folks don’t want to see the anti-Christ!

With a top-shelf cast including Lee Remick and David Warner, you’ll never be disappointed with “The Omen.”

  • Damien: Omen II” is actually an OK film and has a wonderful headliner with William Holden and Lee Grant, whose character has a nice surprise for everyone. The first sequel has “Damien” at a military academy as he is growing up and he comes to learn about himself in this one.

Omen II” has some dated production values, but pretty much does a decent job in following up a horror classic – and that’s not always an easy task. However, it falls short because too many times it forces itself into telling the story (especially at the beginning of the flick, which is out of tune with the rest of the film).

Still, “Omen II” isn’t as bad as …

  • The Final Conflict: Omen III” isn’t a good flick and it has “Damien” as an adult and he’s getting in gear for the second coming of Christ. Well, that’s not gonna play out well for anyone around him, especially a group of religious fanatics who try to kill him. Doggone, but does he do a good job of dodging them (watch the film to understand the pun).

The film begins OK and sets the stage … for a failure to have any creativity beyond the solid beginning of the movie. Ah well, no one ever said sequels are guaranteed to be good – although this one was the No. 36 film of 1981 while being, well, crappy.

Oh, in case you might be wondering, this trilogy is the first where I’ve written a review of an original film followed by all its sequels.

All-in-all, the trilogy of “The Omen,” “Damien: Omen II” and “The Final Conflict: Omen III” makes for a great day to continue your Halloween season … enjoy them; I guarantee you will!

(CLICK here … to read my review of “The Omen”)
(CLICK here … to read my review of “Damien: Omen II”)
(CLICK here … to read my review of “The Final Conflict: Omen III”)
(CLICK here … to see all our photos from Halloween Horror Nights)
(CLICK here … for all my reviews of horror movies)

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