Today’s ‘must see’ movie: ‘Man of the House’ from ’95 will leave you smiling

Today’s “must” movie is the underrated comedy “Man of the House” from 1995. This “Man of the House” is a Disney offering and shouldn’t be confused with Tommy Lee Jones’ effort of the same name a decade later. While Jones is a Texas Ranger protecting cheerleaders in a murder case, “Man of the House” with Chevy Chase and Jonathan Taylor Thomas is about a boy trying to sabotage his mother’s relationship as her boyfriend moves in. The spark to the film is that Chase is a federal prosecutor and some bad guys are after him. Of course, being a Disney kid-friendly flick, everything turns out good by the end of “Man of the House” except for the bad guys.

However, “Man of the House” manages to neatly dodge all the potholes along the way and you can enjoy this one as endearing and flat-out funny in places. “Man of the House” also has crappy slapstick, but it’s a sin that’s easily forgiven.

So, you can experience “Man of the House” with only a little trouble (it’s not a frequent visitor to movie networks). Still … find “Man of the House.” Watch “Man of the House.” Enjoy “Man of the House.” You won’t be disappointed … I guarantee it!

CLICK here … to read my review of “Man of the House”
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