Christmas spirit ’22: Countdown … ‘Jingle All the Way’ will keep you smiling

Looking on the big screen at your home … we’re counting down to Christmas 2022! We’re in the stretch run to Christmas Day! So, warm up today with “Jingle All the Way” starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad. Here’s a Christmas movie that shouldn’t be top-tier for the holidays, but “Jingle All the Way” has an endearing quality that mixes adult frustrations, holiday cheer and a child’s fantasy in a totally watchable film. In “Jingle All the Way,” Schwarzenegger is an always-late father who is more focused on business than on family. He then has to go buy the most popular toy of the season (naturally, he forgot when his wife told him weeks before) and that’s the plot of “Jingle All the Way.”

Keep coming back each day until Christmas for my latest recommendation of a Christmas film. You won’t have any trouble finding “Jingle All the Way” for your home “big screen,” So, watch it!

CLICK here … to read my review of “Jingle All the Way”
CLICK here … for all my Christmas movie reviews
CLICK here … for all my reviews of movies
CLICK here … for a chronological list of my reviews

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