An endearing salute to veterans on Veterans Day 2022!

Today is Nov. 11, 2022, is the 103rd anniversary of the establishment of Veterans Day in the United States. Today is a day to honor those who have served, as well as to remember those now deceased as well as those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. You’ll find a list of links at the end of this post.

American cinema has used the genre of war to show patriotism and heroism, but also to show propaganda as well as criticism.

Forget all of that for today, because, for today, we honor veterans.

Just serving the military deserves honor. Not all soldiers, sailors and U.S. Marines (Semper Fi!) served in combat. But all stood ready for whatever could have arrived while they served. Our nation; our freedom; and our freedom today could not have survived without those who serve.

So, remember Veterans Day today, Nov. 11, 2022. I’m only including links today to those motion pictures that focus on the armed forces of the United States. I’ve included a couple of comedies, but not in any way to make light of the sacrifice of our veterans. Here are the films:

Overview of D-Day films | ‘Battle of the Bulge’
‘The Bedford Incident’ | ‘The Big Red One’
‘A Bridge Too Far’ | ‘Beachhead’ | ‘The Caine Mutiny’
‘Down Periscope’ | ‘The Eagle Has Landed’
‘Eye of the Needle’ | ‘Father Goose’
‘The Final Countdown’ | ‘Full Metal Jacket’ | ‘The Great Escape’
The Hunt for Red October’ | ‘Kelly’s Heroes’ | ‘Midway’
‘Operation Petticoat’ | ‘Tora! Tora! Tora!’
‘Under Siege’ | ‘Where Eagles Dare’

Click here to see a list of all the movies I’ve reviewed
Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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DriveTime1 | DriveTime2 | Contrails | China | Europe | UF Gators | Miami Dolphins
Halloween Horror Nights | Cruises | D.C. |  Sunrises | Sunsets | My movie reviews

© Chuck Curry and A Gator in Naples, 2022.
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