On your home big screen: ‘A Very Brady Sequel’ … trippin’ with the Bradys is groovy!

Looking on the big screen at your home today, you need to go nostalgic with an update of a favorite TV show with the flick “A Very Brady Sequel.” Just like the first updated film, “A Very Brady Sequel” pays the correct amount of homage to the original TV show that has become both iconic and the object of ridicule (of course, only the less-intelligent didn’t enjoy the show). “A Very Brady Sequel” takes in a bunch of “Brady” trivia and even winds up with what should have been the doorway to a third movie. Alas, you won’t get that final shot of “Brady” adrenaline, but you can sure enjoy “A Very Brady Sequel” that includes more than a hint of incest. What? Oh, watch the movie …

You won’t have any trouble finding “A Very Brady Sequel” for your “big screen” at home. “Bradys” still rule, no matter what the naysayers say.

Click here to read my review of “A Very Brady Sequel”
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Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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