It’s movie time! ‘Dillinger’ isn’t good, but you’ll have fun checking out the cast

Hey everybody, it’s movie time! I’m re-writing the words from the start of a Styx hit song and saying today is “movie time!” For movie time today, let’s watch “Dillinger” starring Warren Oates and a wonderful supporting cast. I noticed some extra page views on my review of “Dillinger” and discovered that June 21, 2024, was the 121st anniversary of John Dillinger’s birth.

The movie “Dillinger” really isn’t very good, but the cast is strong and deep with Oates and the title character and Oscar winners and winners-to-be abound from Ben Johnson as the federal agent pursuing Dillinger to Cloris Leachman as the madam who rats him out to a young(ish) Richard Dreyfuss as one of Dillinger’s bank-robbing compatriots.

Other actors in “Dillinger” include Harry Dean Stanton, Steve Kanaly and Michelle Phillips.

Although the cast is interesting, the movie is just a gloss-over of Dillinger’s career before he was gunned down by federal agents (the movie shows just one – Ben Johnson) outside a Chicago theater. “Dillinger” does have some moments and the action isn’t too silly even for the early 1970s in which “action” didn’t have CGI to help it.

Don’t worry if you’re not a fan of gangster films. “Dillinger” is watchable because of the cast and you can sit through this one without much discomfort … I guarantee it.

(CLICK here … to read my review of “Dillinger”)
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