It’s movie time! Summer mean time for ‘Summer School’

Hey everybody, it’s movie time! I’m re-writing the words from the start of a Styx hit song and saying today is “movie time!” For movie time today, let’s watch “Summer School” with Mark Harmon and Kirstie Alley … and a cast of juvenile delinquents who have characters that we wish were the average “delinquent” today.

I originally reviewed “Summer School” in 2014 just before the start of public school that year and Labor Day was just around the corner, but I’ll post this suggestion today in June 2024 to give you more time to re-watch it since it’s making the rounds on movie networks these day.

In “Summer School,” legendary comedian/director Carl Reiner presents you with a summer school class of misfits and the biggest misfit of them all is the teacher: Harmon as “Freddy Shoop.” His anthesis the is the vice principal who extorts with an upcoming tenure vote on Harmon into teaching the unreliables in the worst teaching assignment at the school.

Actually, the students of “Summer School” are mostly funny or at least amusing, yet mostly stereotypical: the dumb jock; the geek; the pregnant student; the Zen-like surfer; and the two crazies who basically worship gore in cinema.

The best thing about “Summer School” is that you don’t mind the stereotypes or the often-lacking acting talent because the film is fun to watch; light-hearted; and can be endearing at times.

Yes, “Summer School” is truly a movie to watch each summer. You won’t have any problem finding it and the edited version for tee-vee needs only a light tone-down as the film is basically without too much vulgarity … I guarantee it.

(CLICK here … to read my review of “Summer School”)
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