You gotta ask: ‘What else could they shoot him with?’ :)

My career was in daily newspaper journalism, so I enjoy a nice “funny” in a headline or graphic on television news. Here’s one from this morning’s (Thursday, Dec. 28, 2023) news broadcast by NBC-2 here in Southwest Florida. Of course, what else were deputies supposed to shoot the criminal with? A submarine? How about a howitzer? Ha Ha! You know that the point of the story is, but there’s no way you can’t chuckle at how it looks. I wrote a couple of thousand headlines and made mistakes, too. So, I’m not being critical, just enjoying the moment! I got this shot off our TV at our home in Naples, Fla., today (Dec. 28, 2023). (Remember: Click on the small image for a bigger version – then click on that one for the full-size photo.)

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