Make sure your U.S. flag is at the correct station

Collier County government and the county’s library system are usually spot-on for having U.S. flags at the proper station. Unfortunately, today, Dec. 11, 2021, the flag at the North Collier Government Center wasn’t at the correct station. U.S. flags should be flown at half staff (or half mast if on a ship) through sunset today in honor of the late Robert “Bob” Dole. Well, the flag was all the way up at the center, while the library across the parking lot had its flag correct at half staff. In all fairness, there was a late addition to the half-staff proclamation about Mr. Dole to keep flags lower until sunset today. Click here for all the information you need about U.S. flags and proclamations about how to fly them … (Remember: Click on the small image for a bigger version – then click on that one for the full-size photo.)

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