Watch it! A movie today? ‘The Intern’ is bad, but De Niro and Hathaway nearly save it

Watch It!The Intern” isn’t a good film, but you can’t really go wrong with headliners Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway. “The Intern” is the story of a De Niro as a widower who takes an internship at a “youthful” company headed by Hathaway and he becomes the hit of the season with the staff. Unfortunately, “The Intern” then spews out every stereotype you can imagine. It’s too bad that the director (who I will not name here) fumbled the talents of De Niro and Hathaway in “The Intern.” Both are excellent actors, but cannot really save a film that is punctuated with nothing but bad writing, bad direction and too many stereotypes. You’ll easily find “The Intern” and, despite its so-many failings, you should … Watch It!

Click here to read my review of “The Intern”
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