Watch it! A movie today? ‘In the Line of Fire’ is uneven, but solid

Watch It!In the Line of Fire” is one of the few Clint Eastwood flicks that I’d describe as somewhat uneven. “In the Line of Fire” is a good, approaching great film because of John Malkovich’s work, but it has some down time and some time that drags – and that’s not usual in an Eastwood film. “In the Line of Fire” is the story of a Secret Service agent who was on the detail when President Kennedy was shot. He’s continuing to relive that past time and up comes a credible threat on the current president’s life. “In the Line of Fire” is pretty much a showcase for Malkovich and Clint does his usual solid job. “In the Line of Fire” is easy to find, so get out there and … Watch It!

Click here to read my review of “In the Line of Fire”
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