Watch it! A movie today? ‘Man of the House’ from 1995 is better than you’d first believe

Watch It!Man of the House” from 1995. Don’t be mistaken, this is the Disney comedy with Chevy Chase and Jonathan Taylor Thomas (several others have the same name). Although your typical Disney kids flick, “Man of the House” has much more to offer as Chase wants to marry Taylor Thomas’ mom (Farrah Fawcett) and the boy doesn’t want him around. Although there are the stereotypical scenes (in the woods at the end is particularly bad), there are others that make “Man of the House” endearing and worthwhile to watch. So, don’t be fooled by the minuses in “Man of the House,” get out there for the good parts and … Watch It!

Click here to read my review of “Man of the House” (1995)
Click here to see a list of all the movies I’ve reviewed
Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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