Watch it! A movie today? ‘Where Eagles Dare’ is where Clint mows ’em down

Watch It! If you ever want to see the movie where Clint Eastwood really mows down the bad guys, then check out “Where Eagles Dare.” Although Eastwood appears to kill half the German army in World War II in “Where Eagles Dare” (there’s even one scene where he’s shooting up a hallway with a machinegun in each hand), the film is actually an outstanding motion picture. “Where Eagles Dare” has Richard Burton as its headliner and is the story of a commando mission – or so you believe – during the war. However, “Where Eagles Dare” is so much more and, although it has shoot-’em-up violence, there’s just as much drama from solid supporting cast. “Where Eagles Dare” is easy to find, so … Watch It!

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