Watch it! A movie today? ‘The Hunt for Red October’ gets heated-up very quickly!

Watch It! With “The Hunt for Red October,” you get a wonderful action-drama from the Cold War from an equally wonderful novel of the same name. However, “The Hunt for Red October,” unlike the novel, has one jarring, discordant note: Alec Baldwin. Yes, the stench of this major-league asshat manages to taint the talent he shows in “The Hunt for Red October.” Ah, well, even good-to-solid films can have a discordant note or two. In “The Hunt for Red October,” you have a Soviet-era sub skipper looking to stick it to his Russian masters by delivering their newest and greatest nuclear submarine … to the United States! “The Hunt for Red October” has a real star in Sean Connery and the supporting cast is very solid with one exception (one actor would go on to become a pariah for his sexual escapades). Ah, well. Maybe I shouldn’t recommend “The Hunt for Red October,” but it is a good film, so … Watch It!

Click here to read my review of “The Hunt for Red October”
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