Watch it! A movie today? ‘Rough Cut’ is a Burt Reynolds caper film

Watch It! I like caper films. I like Burt Reynolds films. Burt co-stars in the caper film “Rough Cut.” Well, it’s my recommendation for today! “Rough Cut” isn’t anywhere near Burt’s best, but he’s pretty much always watchable and so he is in this one, too. “Rough Cut” is the story of U.S. ex-pat Burt, who owns a restaurant in London and is one of the world’s top jewel thieves. In “Rough Cut,” a police detective, played by screen legend David Niven, uses a beautiful thief, played by the beautiful Lesley-Anne Down, to try to crown his career with the arrest of Burt. And, so the story of “Rough Cut” goes. You don’t need to know any more about “Rough Cut” … so, Watch It!

Click here to read my review of “Rough Cut”
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Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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