Watch it! A movie today? ‘How I Got Into College’ is fun for just about everyone

Watch It! So, what to recommend today? Let’s take a tack back to the comedy side with “How I Got Into College.” OK, so this one mainly appeals to the teens who have just finished or will be doing this coming summer and fall … “How I Got Into College” is just about that! Getting into college! Of course, the stereotypes abound, but “How I Got Into College” is a fun romp that will leave you with a smile on your face. Especially funny are the two SAT test answers “A” and “B.” They should have gotten their own sitcom out of “How I Got Into College.” So, Watch It!

Click here to read my review of “How I Got Into College”
Click here to see a list of all the movies I’ve reviewed
Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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