Happy Halloween! Memories remain from Halloweens past …

It’s Halloween 2020 and everything is in turmoil because of COVID. Will there be trick-or-treaters? In any case, for parents, Halloween was never better than when their children were (are) young(er)! Here’s a shot from 2003 at Halloween Horror Nights 13 when Stephen got a scare! The original caption from my blog post in 2015: “With Allison headed off in a few days to Halloween Horror Nights 25 at Universal Orlando, I thought I’d post a couple of oldies. Today’s shot is from Halloween Horror Nights 13 in 2003. Stephen was totally creeped out when this monster touched his shoulder while I got the shot. Although it was 12 years ago, I believe it still freaks him out a bit. Click here for other HHN photos from several different years.” So, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! (Remember: Click on the small image for a bigger version – then click on that one for the full-size photo.)

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