My movie reviews A-Z: Today … ‘The Wild Geese’

My alphabetical posting of suggested films continues today with “The Wild Geese.” Here is a terrible film. “The Wild Geese” doesn’t just insult you with bad filmmaking, it insults your intelligence to the core. The story in “The Wild Geese” is about a group of mercenaries (it was made in the 1970s after the heyday of mercenaries in Africa). I won’t go any further. “The Wild Geese” is a waste of your time and it wasted my time re-watching it so I could do a review. Yuck!

I’m posting all my film reviews in alphabetical order and I’ve updated links and more on many of the reviews. Below is the link back to the full review.

Click here to read my review of “The Wild Geese”
Click here to see a list of all the movies I’ve reviewed
Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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