Gators and Mickey in Paris go well on my laptop

My posting of photos showing images of the logos of my beloved University of Florida Gators continues today. After Allison brought me back a a Mickey Mouse emblem from Disneyland Paris, I had room at the top of the front of my new laptop for the helmet script logo. Ah, love it! I took this photo with my iPhone at our home in Naples, Fla., on Jan. 11, 2018. Oh, that the case for my new Sony headphones in the foreground. Like the color? 🙂 (Remember: Click on the image above for a bigger version – then click on that one for the full-size photo.)

Disney1 | Disney2 | Disney3 | Disney4 | Disney5 | Disney6 | Disney7
Disney8 | Disney9 | Disney10 | Disney11 | Disney12 | Disney13 | Disney14
Disney15 | Disney16 | Disney17 | Disney18 | Disney19 | Disney20 | Contrails
Naples1 | Naples2 | Naples3 | Naples4 | Naples5 | Naples6 | Naples7 | Naples8
DriveTime1 | DriveTime2 | NYC | China | Europe | UF Gators | Miami Dolphins
Halloween Horror Nights | Cruises | D.C. |  Sunrises | Sunsets | My movie reviews

© Chuck Curry and A Gator in Naples, 2018.
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