It’s not an advertising plug, but Marlon Wayans is ‘Off the Hook’ in Naples today and tomorrow!

I try not to do advertising plugs on my blog, but I have to give a shout-out to Marlon Wayans of the fantastically funny Wayans family as he has a comedy show here in Naples, Fla., right now at the Off the Hook Comedy Club as I post this blog entry (the evening of Nov. 4, 2022, and will be back with another show tomorrow night). I’ve enjoyed Marlon’s work for years, especially the movie “White Chicks” and the work of the whole family on the incomparable TV series “In Living Color.” Unfortunately, I didn’t realize he was in Naples for a few shows or I would have bought tickets. Well, maybe next time! (Remember: Click on the small image for a bigger version – then click on that one for the full-size photo.)

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