On your home big screen: RIP Sidney Poitier … a total class(y) act(or)

Looking on the big screen at your home today, lets take a moment to reflect on the career of Sidney Poitier, who died Jan. 6, 2022, at 94. He was the first African-American to win a best-actor Oscar (“Lilies of the Field”) and the first to be nominated for that honor (in the 1958 Oscars for “The Defiant Ones” with Tony Curtis). Poitier was an actor with total class in his career of 55 acting credits over seven decades, with the first in 1947. Although he made his mark with his Oscar-nominated efforts, he also did great work such as “To Sir, With Love,” “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” and “In the Heat of the Night,” I like Poitier best in the Cold War thriller “The Bedford Incident” and right behind it is his work in “Sneakers” with Robert Redford. Poitier was Bahamian and born in Miami (my hometown) while his parents were on a visit. He was a totally class(y) act(or).

You can easily find a variety of Poitier’s work, so plan for it for your “big screen” at your home today!

Click here to read my review of “The Beford Incident”
Click here to read my review of “Sneakers”
Click here to see a list of all the movies I’ve reviewed
Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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