On your home big screen: ‘Adventures in Babysitting’ more than just a teen movie

Looking on the big screen at your home today, we have “Adventures in Babysitting.” Yes, it’s a teen-oriented flick, but “Adventures” is more than just a kids movie and has a bunch of neat trivia and backstories for any viewer. “Adventures” is just what the title says: a babysitter has some adventures. Well, headliner Elisabeth Shue manages to get involved in a car theft ring; a fight with a gang on an elevated train; saving a child by having her climb up the side of a skyscraper; and in the end have it all pulled together so the parents don’t know. Of course, there are stereotypes, but you’ll actually enjoy it. Some trivia and backstories: “Adventures” is the first directorial effort by Chris “Home Alone” Columbus; it has a great R&B improvisation scene; and keep an eye out for Vincent D’Onofrio, who is mistaken for “Thor,” and the actor who plays the son-in-law-to-be in “Father of the Bride.”

You can easily find “Adventures,” so plan for it for your “big screen” at your home today!

Click here to read my review of “Adventures in Babysitting”
Click here to see a list of all the movies I’ve reviewed
Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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