Watch it! A movie today? ‘All the President’s Men’ is a showcase of our First Amendment on the 4th of July

Try this flick …All the President’s Men.” On this Fourth of July in 2021, I’m reprising last year’s recommendation of a movie for our Independence Day. From last year:

Here’s a film that should resonate with all Americans: “All the President’s Men” and it shows how truth ultimately triumphs because of our Constitution’s First Amendment. “All the President’s Men” is the story of the reporting on the Watergate scandal that toppled President Richard Nixon in the mid-1970s. Of course, there are those today who want to scuttle the First Amendment and crassly vilify good reporting as “fake news.” “All the President’s Men” today is the telling of a story of great, factual reporting – something that’s nearly completely lost today. So, on this Fourth of July 2020, celebrate and honor our nation’s independence and our citizens’ First Amendment rights with a viewing of “All the President’s Men.”

So, I’m doing a sometimes recommendation of a movie or TV show … and they’re all movies or TV shows that I’ve reviewed on this blog.

Click here to read my review of “All the President’s Men”
Click here to see a list of all the movies I’ve reviewed
Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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