My movie reviews A-Z: Today … ‘Major League’

My alphabetical posting of suggested films continues today with “Major League.” Here’s the movie that starts off a baseball season and now that we’re on the doorstep to the World Series for 2018, “Major League” is the perfect film for the end of the season. “Major League” became instantly iconic with lines such as “Just a little outside” from announcer Bob Uecker. “Major League” isn’t a great motion picture, but is absolutely never disappoints and, while filled with stereotypes, the cast does a great job. Don’t worry, you won’t have trouble finding “Major League” on the cable grid right now (or just look in your DVD library … remember DVDs?).

I’m posting all my film reviews in alphabetical order and I’ve updated links and more on many of the reviews. Below is the link back to the full review.

Click here to read my review of “Major League”
Click here to see a list of all the movies I’ve reviewed
Click here for my movie reviews in chronological order by release date

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